Famously, Seinfeld was billed as the show about nothing. That was nonsense of course, there were characters, stories and jokes. All the usual boring sell out comedy stuff.
Not so in the 'N' episode of Wolfmania the Podcast. No, in 102 minutes of breathtaking broadcasting we really redefine what it means to natter about nothing. Not-for-profit businesses, numbers stations, new music... Plus! All your favourite features: Celebrity Pedalpast! The Gig Pig! Mistakes and Regrets! A dog show! A wedding disco! The charts! Picking up metal bands at the airport! Gadget Show Alumni! LA hitmakers! A tribute to the greatest city on Earth! Fantasy Superbikes! Drinking in the afternoon! And if you stick around. I mean really stick it out to the end... an actual proper joke. See if you can spot it.
Wolfmania: For the few not the many.