Already sick and tired of disappointing elections? You need a quick shot of Wolfmania Late Night. That's right, the slightly-less-erratic, marginally-more-erotic older sister show of Wolfmania the Podcast makes a mucky return to the airwaves as Andrew and Tim make like Motley Crue and go Girl! Girl! Girl! crazy.
For those of you who like your late night content a little contentious, the boys shout at the devil in the least expected GOD chat this side of that Nicky Campbell show they have on Sunday morning that you think is going to be all about Grannies getting ripped off when they have their new PVC windows installed, but is actually a boring debate about whether or not we should give the terrorists the oxygen of publicity.
Then, after that, we talk about going to the toilet for twenty minutes.
Given tonight's impossibly hot topics, Wolfmania Late Night features strong language and flashing images from the start (actually, it would be more correct to say it features strong flashing and language issues from the start). You have been warned.
If you're still wondering whether Wolfmania Late Night is for you, consider that this episode features the punchlines: 'Sex Toy Story', 'Justin Toiletlake' and quite a chat about who the most famous person you've ever done a wee next to. That's what you want, right? You filthy animal, you. Yeah, you do. Normal service will be resumed next week.