
New from Wolfmania and This West Midland Life, K-Town is a podcast that delves into the just-about-beating heart and troubled mind of a middling carpet town a bit South of Birmingham and forty miles east of Wales. Daring, thoughtful storytelling holds hands with vikings, minigolf and cake. Welcome to K-Town.

Chapter one: Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.

S01E15 - Just Me Then, Jobs, Jaw Dropping Sentence and Jersey Boys

When Wolfmania is struck by the sidekick strike, Andrew is faced with a dilemma. Strike out solo, or create a CGI Tim out of newspaper, string and a bit of bad back. You know, like they do in the Star Wars films.

This week's fun-filled fifty minutes features BIG CHAT (TM) about jobs, and the most jaw-dropping sentence ever spoken on the radio (or anywhere else) plus, we are joined in studio by internet fashion vlog sensations (yes, that's a thing) The Jersey Boys to learn about 'the 5 jumpers that we should be wearing, literally right now'. OMG!

And that's not all! We sneak into an Elbow recording session and hear a new song! J'Accusi! The wedding of the year! Wolfmania Live! Pool Crashers! Mosquito and Big Lips! Street Magic! What are you waiting for? Get downloading...

s01e14 - Iron Maiden Map, There is no 'I' in Team, Wolfmania I I I

When Andrew dismisses the band Iron Maiden as military history bores, special guest Eddie Metal demands his right to reply, unveiling his special 'metal map.' But is Eddie really who he claims to be - the biggest heavy metal fan in all of Hampshire - or a prankster from a rival podcast? Find out here!

And that's not all! Following a recent bout of insubordination - the Wolfmania crew go on a team building exercise; finding that, while there is no 'I' in team, there is one in Tim.

Plus! Stone Cold Austin's Broken Skull Ranch! Little Ray Sunshine! Ska Punk theme song! Things you can buy in the shop! And a beloved indie band the business!

This week's episode is sponsored by Music Heritage UK.

View Eddie Metal's Iron Maiden map below:

S01E13 - Wolfmania Late Night - Hotter Than Hell, Higher than Hell, Heaven and Hell, Harpsichord News - Explicit Content

Things get HOT! HOT! HOT! in the easier-to-edit / not-quite-ready-for-bed-yet LATE NIGHT version of Wolfmania the Podcast.

This week, in a move likely to cause years of psychological trauma. Andrew catches up with Tim in his childhood bedroom and grills him about his hottest date ever and getting higher than hell. Plus! Heaven and hell! What is English Dim Sum! Harpsichord stories! Hugh Jackman update! And two ASTONISHING songs for you 'Wolfpack's Paradise (Live)' and 'Tim Likes to Get High'!

Warning: contains some bad language and some acting like dicks.


s01e12 - Heavy Metal, Heroes and Villains, Holland Hates Me, Hair and Hardware Megastore

Like all the best concept albums and toilet paper, Episode H of Wolfmania the Podcast is tough, strong and very, very long.

In this career-high instant classic, Andrew pays tribute to the headbanging heroes of heavy metal, raising a horned goblet to Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest and legendary Loughborough video diarist Chris Needham. Meanwhile, Tim gets a very metal eye test and loses his mind listening to some seriously Satanic sounds.

But that's not all (oh, you're going to wish that was all). We learn the senses-shattering origin stories of some of the greatest super heroes the world has never known: Bell Man and Mr Sand, Hover Boy, mild-mannered Miles Mannling and the sinister Podcaster. Andrew reveals why Holland Hates him. Tim gives an Australian hardware warehouse the business. We find out how much funerals cost. There's a lot of chat about swimming. And a feature on 'how nice Andrew's hair is' completely dies on its arse.

Dare you miss this one? No. No you dare not.

ps. stick around to the end of the episode for your chance to win a great prize (that Tim is paying for).

s01e11 - LATE NIGHT! - Girls! Girls! Girls! God and Going to the Toilet!

Already sick and tired of disappointing elections? You need a quick shot of Wolfmania Late Night. That's right, the slightly-less-erratic, marginally-more-erotic older sister show of Wolfmania the Podcast makes a mucky return to the airwaves as Andrew and Tim make like Motley Crue and go Girl! Girl! Girl! crazy.

For those of you who like your late night content a little contentious, the boys shout at the devil in the least expected GOD chat this side of that Nicky Campbell show they have on Sunday morning that you think is going to be all about Grannies getting ripped off when they have their new PVC windows installed, but is actually a boring debate about whether or not we should give the terrorists the oxygen of publicity.

Then, after that, we talk about going to the toilet for twenty minutes.

Given tonight's impossibly hot topics, Wolfmania Late Night features strong language and flashing images from the start (actually, it would be more correct to say it features strong flashing and language issues from the start). You have been warned.

If you're still wondering whether Wolfmania Late Night is for you, consider that this episode features the punchlines: 'Sex Toy Story', 'Justin Toiletlake' and quite a chat about who the most famous person you've ever done a wee next to. That's what you want, right? You filthy animal, you. Yeah, you do. Normal service will be resumed next week.

s01e10 - Game of Pricks, Geordie Gangster, Gandalf Style, Godfathers of Grunge, and Golf Rap

Episode 10 of Wolfmania the Podcast ain't nothin' but a G Thang. And it really is quite a thang.

This week Andrew and Tim meet Magneto in an off licence, unearth an unreleased rarity from a mystery Boston grunge band and unleash Geordie Gangster, the greatest song in the history of pop. Twice.

But that's not all! We horrify They Might Be Giants, snigger at a bad tattoo and, seeing as how this is Masters week, bring you m-m-m-m-m-mind golf, the zen of Caddyshack and three minutes of instructional hip hop guaranteed to help you lower your handicap. What have the other podcasts done for you this week?


Come over to the dark side with the inaugural episode of Wolfmana Late Night - the slightly more erratic, marginally more erotic after-hours version of Wolfmania the Podcast. This week Andrew and Tim drop the 'F' bomb and talk f*cking, fighting and freedom (oh and fear and football) like a pair of monstrous banter  machines. Or at least they try to. (In all honestly, if you found this episode on an Indian restaurant menu it would probably have two little chillies next to it. We are rubbish at banter).

Our Late Night Episode F features the songs 'Wolfmania Late Night' (amazing!) and 'How Do They Stay in the Air (Live from the Leicester Square Theatre) along with some piping hot locker room talk and all the toilet words left in. Your normal PG rated podcast will return next week, for a slightly friendlier and fresh-faced take on the letter F.

Let us know how you like the hot stuff by commenting below!